
EU ⚡ Unranked ⚡ Peak Immortal 1 ⚡ Araxys Bundle ⚡ Champions 2023 ⚡ Overdrive ⚡ Gaia's Vengeance ⚡ Prime ⚡ Sovereign ⚡ 43 Skins ⚡ Changeable Email ⚡ Full Access ⚡ Instant Delivery

$375.00 $300.00 Save 20%
1 in stock
  • Server: EMEA
  • Rank: Unranked
  • Platform: PC
  • Delvery: Instant

• No ranked matches were played in V25 ACT 1.
• You need to play 5 more placement matches to reveal your rank.
• The account has no ranked restrictions and no third-party software was used.
• You will get full access to the account. This means you can change the account email and password.
• You don't need to wait for us to be online to buy this high-quality EU VALORANT account, as your order will be delivered instantly and automatically after your purchase.
• If you encounter any issues after your purchase, we offer 24/7 support via chat to ensure you have the best possible experience. You can contact us immediately in case of any problems. Customer satisfaction is our top priority.

‣ Inventory Value ~ 29400 VP
‣ Araxys Bio Harvester ⸱ 4350 VP
‣ Champions 2023 Vandal ⸱ 2675 VP
‣ Araxys Bulldog ⸱ 2175 VP
‣ Araxys Operator ⸱ 2175 VP
‣ Araxys Shorty ⸱ 2175 VP
‣ Araxys Vandal ⸱ 2175 VP
‣ Overdrive Sheriff ⸱ 2175 VP
‣ Overdrive Vandal ⸱ 2175 VP
‣ Gaia's Vengeance Vandal ⸱ 1775 VP
‣ Prime Guardian ⸱ 1775 VP
‣ Sovereign Ghost ⸱ 1775 VP
‣ DIMENSION: ACT 3 ⸱ 1000 VP
‣ EVOLUTION: ACT 1 ⸱ 1000 VP
‣ EVOLUTION: ACT 3 ⸱ 1000 VP
More Details
Is Fresh Smurf No
Is Handleveled Yes
Is Ranked Ready Yes
Agents Unlocked 15-19
Skins unlocked 40-49
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1. Complete your payment

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2. Check your email

You will receive an email shortly with all the details of your game account.

3. Log in to your account

Access your new account and verify that everything is as expected.

4. Enjoy your new account!

Everything is set up for you to start playing and enjoy the experience.