
133 skins | Gold Brutus | Gold Midas | Cuddle Team Leader | Leviathan | Snap | Paradigm (Reality-659) | Wukong | Red Knight | Flytrap | Malik | Nai@

1 in stock
  • Platform: PC
  • Delvery: Instant

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➦ Platforms you can play with this account: PC/PSN/XBOX/NINTENDO/MOBILE

Outfits: 133
Backpacks: 186
Pickaxes: 140
Dances: 147
Gliders: 125
Wraps: 119
Banners: 174
Sprays: 165
Exclusives: 11

Outfits: Midas | Brutus | Santa Dogg | Rap Princess Ice Spice | Ice Spice | Slim Shady | Slayer Juice WRLD | Juice WRLD | Jennifer Walters | Mystique | Doctor Doom | Storm | Groot | Tony Stark | | B.R.U.T.E. Navigator |

Emotes: Orange Justice | Desirable | In Ha Mood | Oh Shhh | Bim Bam Boom | Keep It Mello | Snoop's Walk | Lucid Dreams | Steady | The Renegade | Out West | Lunar Party | Wakandan Salute | Scootin' | Captain Llamerica | Arachrobatics | Imperial March | Igni Sign | ! | Boogie Down | Vivacious | The Rick

Pickaxes: Candy Axe | 999 Knives | Groot's Sap Axes | Spider Snare | Brilliant Cutters | Gilded Morphic Blades | Mark 85 Energy Blade | Hand of Lightning | Spellwork Scimitar | Mjolnir | Staff of Doom | Default Pickaxe |

Gliders: Astroworld Cyclone | Cuddly Cloudcruiser | War Force Wings | Gwen's Spiderchute | The MCG | Arcane Energy Glider | Gathering Storm | Mighty Marvel 'Brella | Root Wing | Mjolnir's Path | Mark 90

Backpacks: Studded Skull | Shady Boombox | Munchkin | Ice Spice Mini | 999 Knives | Rocket | Mystique's Skull | Wolverine's Trophy | Iron Man Backplate | Captain Jones's Shield & Pickaxe |
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