
EUNE | 170 Champions | 150 Skins | Gun Goddess Miss Fortune | Elementalist Lux | Omega Teemo | Dunkmaster Darius | Spirit Blossom Yone | Full Access | Instant Delivery

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1 in stock
  • Server: EUNE
  • Rank: Bronze
  • Delvery: Instant

First 5 Champions:
Miss Fortune - 29/06/2018 05:20:39
Caitlyn - 29/06/2018 05:41:50
Garen - 29/06/2018 06:13:16
Darius - 29/06/2018 06:13:28
Xin Zhao - 30/06/2018 04:46:35

First 7800 BE Champion: Bel'Veth - 14/06/2022 21:56:47
First 6300 BE Champion: Jhin - 24/10/2019 14:31:19
First 4800 BE Champion: Caitlyn - 29/06/2018 05:41:50
First 3150 BE Champion: Miss Fortune - 29/06/2018 05:20:39
First 1350 BE Champion: Xin Zhao - 30/06/2018 04:46:35
First 450 BE Champion: Garen - 29/06/2018 06:13:16

First 3 Skins:
High Noon Jhin - 24/10/2019 14:31:34
Omega Squad Teemo - 26/10/2019 19:37:05
Annie-Versary - 27/10/2019 15:28:39
More Details
Is Fresh Smurf No
Is Handleveled Yes
Is Ranked Ready Yes
Blue Essence 0-9k
Champions Unlocked 100+
Skins Unlocked 100+
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